Wordpress build and design. Launched October 2024.
Wordpress build and design. Launched January 2022.
Wordpress build and design. Launched 2019.
Wordpress design and development. Launched March 2019.
Drupal development and design.
Wordpress website, with yearly membership and online courses available online
Drupal development and design, in partnership with Tandem.
Website design and drupal build (in partnership with Convergence). Since 2016
Artist management company. Drupal CMS. Since 2015
Website design and build (in partnership with Convergence). Since 2015
Drupal update and new design - Video streaming and library. Since 2014
Website build - Video streaming and library (in partnership with Tandem Studios). Since 2013
New Zealand Society of Hospital and Community Dentistry. Drupal CMS. 2013
Journalist and photographer, NZ. Drupal CMS. Since 2012